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Saturday, August 23, 2008

MKT: Logistics

Ola~ how are you students doing? hope u ppl enjoy the field trip to muara port.. i got one complain, panas eh bas atu~ haha

Anyway, our Marketing Lecturer informed the coming topic will be 'LOGISTICS' and not 'Wholeselling'. Logistics had to be moved forward because of this new marketing assignment. So, Wholeselling lecture will be on Monday, 8th September 2008 (only IF first of Ramadhan falls on 1st September - which is cuti, yay!)

You can click the link below and download 'Logistics' lecture notes.

  1. Logistics (Color)
  2. Logistics (Black & White)

I have one request, whoever have the slides from the Muara Port presentation, please email me the softcopy urgently ok... Thank you.

Have a nice weekend! =)

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